I am not a ubuntu server professional, I do not know if the following
represent current best practice or results in a system that is insecure or
misconfigured in other ways. I simply report what worked for me. With that
out of the way…
sudo apt-get -y --no-upgrade install libphp5-embed libonig-dev libqdbm-dev libxml2-dev libdb-dev libbz2-dev libpcre3-dev libkrb5-dev
cd /tmp/
wget https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/archive/$(uwsgi --version).tar.gz
tar -xvzf $(uwsgi --version).tar.gz
uwsgi --build-plugin /tmp/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/php
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/
sudp mv php_plugin.so /usr/local/lib/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/
Having installed uwsgi from pip as described elsewhere on the net, I
needed to find a way to run a php site as well. I wanted to keep my setup
lean and minimize the amount of processes running, so I decided run it via
the php plugin for uwsgi.
Since the version of uwsgi that gets installed via pip, does not include
the php plugin, it has to be added seperately. The good news is that the
uwsgi binary has the ability to builds its own plugins, it just needs the
code to do so. so that is our first step.
cd /tmp/
wget https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/archive/$(uwsgi --version).tar.gz
tar -xvzf $(uwsgi --version).tar.gz
We do the work in the tmp folder so we do not clutter elsewhere. I found the
link for the source download on the uwsgi page and uses wget to download
it. Then it is extracted. The $(uwsgi –version) encantation means we run
the uwsgi –version command, which prints something along the lines of
2.0.9 and that is the inserted in to the outer command. this ensures that
if another version of uwsgi gets installed from pip then (hopefully) the
right sourcecode is downloaded.
We are now ready to compile a plugin, and to test we can compile the
simple cgi (common gateway interface) plugin by calling uwsgi
–build-plugin and pointing it at a folder that contains a plugin:
uwsgi --build-plugin /tmp/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/cgi
This produces a cgiplugin.so file in the current folder, so all is well.
If we try this for the php plugin, it will fail because it needs some
headers that are not installed by default. For me, the way to handle these
is to simply look at the errors and google the missing headers. In ubuntu
these headers seems to be placed in the lib*-dev packages. The set that
worked for me for php was:
sudo apt-get -y --no-upgrade install libphp5-embed libonig-dev libqdbm-dev libxml2-dev libdb-dev libbz2-dev libpcre3-dev libkrb5-dev
and the we can produce the compiled php plugin
uwsgi --build-plugin /tmp/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/php
The next step is to figure out where to place this file. The plugin
directory is configured in the uwsgi file for the site, so it doesn't
really matter. I chose to to place the phpplugin.so file in
usr/local/lib since that seems to be reasonable as far as I can figure
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/
sudo mv php_plugin.so /usr/local/lib/uwsgi-$(uwsgi --version)/plugins/
Finally we are ready to run a php site. I have uwsgi hosted behind an
nginx server so my configs looks as follow:
nginxsite.conf, notice the uwsgimodifier1 parameter which tells uwsgi to
load the php plugin (its a magic number from various examples)
server {
listen 8084;
server_name localhost;
access_log /var/log/nginx/phpinfo.access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/phpinfo.error.log;
location ~ \.php$ {
include uwsgi_params;
uwsgi_pass unix://srv/www/phptest/conf/socket;
uwsgi_modifier1 14;
uwsgi.ini, notice that we set the plugin-dir and the plugin:
socket = /srv/www/phptest/conf/socket
plugin-dir = /usr/local/lib/uwsgi-2.0.9/plugins/
plugin = php
cheaper = 1
processes = 4
php-index = index.php
These two files get symplinked into the nginx avalable-sites and uwsgi
vassal folders and then a simple phpinfo file is served.
In my testing it has to be <?php, simply putting <? did not work.